Management Drives 应用

MD Pro 1.4.4
*Only for MD certified partners. Management Drives is aeminentcompany in leadership, drives, personal and teamdevelopment. TheManagement Drives Pro app lets you view profiles,both individualand group. From now on you will have the ManagementDrives profilesavailable at any time, wherever you are. Load yourdesired cluster,select the participants you would like to see andshow theirprofile(s). You are able to swipe through theparticipants and allthe individual and group graphs.
MD 1.4.13
When you completed a Management Drives questionnaire you are abletoget access to your profile and connect to others who also have aMDprofile. Management Drives improves your self-knowledgeandleadership by knowing your drives. You will work moreeffectively,both by yourself and with others. You will get abetterunderstanding of your own drives. You will improve yourcooperationby connecting to others and by knowing and appreciatingtheirdrives. Leadership starts with the personal leadership ofeachindividual and knowledge of drives is essential. Goodleadershipgets the best out of their people and environment.Whether it comesto personal leadership, team management orinfluencing the cultureof an entire organisation, drives are thekey to success orfailure. As the six drives are easy to understandand use, youimmediately get a better grip on culture andperformance. Anunderstanding of drives is essential if you wish todevelopyourself and want to have an impact on your team andorganisation.Management Drives turns insights, which previouslyseemed “soft” orrelated to “feelings”, into something concrete.After measuringover hundreds of thousands people internationally,we havedeveloped a model that works with six drives; each of whichcandiffer in both sequence and strength. In addition, wealsodistinguish the positive and negative aspects of these drives.Thismeans that a great number of personal profiles andleadershipstyles are possible, all based on only six drives. Youwill findout how drives affect your thought, your perception,yourbehaviour, your leadership style and the culture ofyourorganisation.